But Rose… How do I actually get a job?

Regardless of the particulars, my advice is always the same. Hustle.

You need to be proactive and actively search out opportunities, especially in the New Law industry where roles are often not advertised, the industry is young, the organisation may be small or the role is brand new. 

To figure out where to focus your attention, however, it is necessary to first understand some of the various ways in which you could land your next role. For example: 

1.     You could apply via an advertised role directly to the organisation itself. Or you might apply via third party like Linked In or a recruiter. You might apply for a role, and get rejected, and then given a different role. You might get rejected and then asked to apply for another role at that same organisation.

2.     A recruiter may assist your job search. Alternatively, a recruiter may advise you to lower your expectations as you do not have the right pedigree or experience for what you are aiming for. This may then cause you into an existential crisis and rethink your life choices (this happened to me at the beginning of my London adventure). 

3.     You may hear about a job ‘on the grapevine’ via your friends/mentors (i.e. your professional network). This may be a ‘tap on the shoulder’ to apply for a yet-to-be-advertise role or an invitation you to join a team to fill  a short-term resourcing gap. This could then lead to the next role, and another contract. (This has happened to me twice in London and once in Melbourne). 

4.     A role may be created for you. Your dream role could be created for you in various ways. You may do an “Anne Wong” and present a business case to your organisation to support your next role, or you could do a “Rose.” I had been in long term talks with Karen about how I could bring value to Legally Yours when the timing was right. I also created Rose Tinted Law to mentor other early career legal professionals who are navigating a career path via unchartered territories or less trodden paths. 

This is an non-exhaustive list. As someone who has had to hustle to achieve professional success, I am passionate about sharing some of the lessons I have learned and supporting other early career legal professionals grow with confidence and purpose. More to follow… 

In the meantime…. 

Can you think of other ways to get a job? How did you get your current role? Do you have advice for others who want to create their own “luck”?

But how do I actually get a job?